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Survey123 | Inbox | Where code help needed

12-06-2021 09:37 AM
Emerging Contributor

What I have

AssignedInspector3 = ${username} OR highRISK='Contractor BMP Required'


Backstory: I have two different sub-contractors that each work in their own way.

Sub-contractor 1 - assigns an inspector to a point ---AssignedInspector = ${username}

Sub-contractor 2 - let's the inspector choose which site are closest to them --- highRISK='Contractor BMP Required'

I'd like to get the Sub-contractor 2 data to only populate the inbox if they belong to a specific company. Is there a way?


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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @CarissaPhantom

You'll likely need to use the concat() function to append quotes around the ${username} question. What I would suggest is

concat("AssignedInspector3 = '", ${username}, "' OR highRISK='Contractor BMP Required')

or even

AssignedInspector3 = concat("'",${username},"'") OR highRISK='Contractor BMP Required'

should work

Thank you,
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Emerging Contributor
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