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Survey123 Image resolution too low when restricted and image does not fit in unrestricted

10-14-2024 01:41 AM
Emerging Contributor



Like the subject states, the image resolution is blurry when generating a survey123 report using ${fieldName | size:460:0} and when unrestricting the image using ${fieldName | getValue:””} it exceeds the word page and cuts the photo.

Is there a way to keep resolution when compressing images?


Any and all assistance is appreciated


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4 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

getValue:”" is correct.

Just combine it with size

E.g. ${image1 | getValue:"" | size:300:0}

More info here.

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Emerging Contributor

The image is pixilated and unreadable using ${image1 | getValue:"" | size:300:0} instead of blurry

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MVP Frequent Contributor

That may be a camera issue then? The getValue:"" property uncompresses the image file and essentially gives you the "raw" image. If the image is already of low quality, it won't help with that. You can check that a good quality image was uploaded by going to your Portal > opening the Feature Layer > going to the Data tab > locate the line entry > go to the attachments column and download the attachments.

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Emerging Contributor


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