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Survey123 export to report failing due to timeout

06-13-2023 03:35 AM
Occasional Contributor


I am trying to export a report generated from a survey123 which was built using survey123 connect. The survey data collected is basic - just photos and comments, however there are c. 250 points and therefore 250 photos I want to export. There is only one record to export, so all 250 photos are associated with this record.  Every time I try to export the report, it fails due to timeout at about 9m 30s. I do not believe there is an issue with the report template, as it exports correctly when tested with 3/4 points.

Any help with exporting this report, perhaps in batches, would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

We are having the same problem with our reports. The same happens when trying to edit a form from, for example, a dashboard.

Some time ago an update generated these same problems... I would like to believe that the origin is still the same...

Cannot export report (this post is about that)

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