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Survey123 Connect: Modify Appearance of Repeat Question to Row Type

03-22-2024 02:48 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello, everyone!

I have a field called "Total No. of Storeys" which triggers a repeat question type that includes the following fields: Number of Storey, Floor Area in SQ MTS and Actual Use. The screenshot below is the appearance of my form. True enough, this satisfies my requirement. However, my concern is about its appearance.


Instead of clicking the arrow to flip to the next repeat record, I just want to ask if it's possible to modify the appearance of the repeat question type to display the records in rows instead of columns like the screenshot below.

Number of Storey

Floor Area in SQ MTS

Actual Use











Thank you in advance for any hints/ideas regarding this concern.

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Unfortunately I don't believe there is a way to do this currently, this is the way the form on the web app appears but I've been wishing for this on the field app for a while now.

There is an idea posted here: Appearance option to view Repeats stacked in Surve... - Esri Community so I'd recommend adding your support to it! It looks like it was changed to "Under Consideration" in August 2023 so perhaps we'll see something soon..

Regular Contributor

Thank you @RobertAnderson3 for this information and for responding.