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Survey123 connect crashing

01-04-2018 03:52 AM
Occasional Contributor III

since the latest version of connect (2.5.44) i have been having issues with it crashing, on existing surveys when opening them to update and also when i have updated the xlsx file and are reloading the survey.

i have just updated a survey xlsx file and opened connect (after saving and closing the sheet) and when i goto the survey i get prompted to reload as its changed so i click yes and its now saying not responding, it has been running for about 30 minutes now with the same not responding but the task manager is showing its using 10~14% cpu and the memory usage is changing, also before doing it this time i turned on logging from the settings and the log file is currently at 3.6Gb and its still going up!

i have tried re-installing it 3 or 4 times with not change, has anyone else had this issue? any ideas on how to fix it



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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

a bit more of an update, it finally came back to life and showed my reloaded survey, but the log file was 9gb... i spent some more time refining my survey and by the time i had finished the log file was 27.3Gb after only a few hours of using connect.

i don't think its my survey as i have opened another survey and that gives me the same issues


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Stuart,

Does it just happen on one survey or all surveys? Can you please attach a copy of your xlsx form that is having the issues. It sounds like there could be something in the configuration of your survey that is causing the validation and refreshing of preview to not respond or get errors.


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