Hello all,
I just upgraded from 3.11something to 3.12.232. The select_one question whose choices have County name for the label and the 3 digit fips for the name (ex. 001). It worked fine previously by storing the '001' value. After the update, the question now seems to view the text value as a number. I concatenate with state fips in a hidden field. I changed the hidden to note and see it happening in the form UI upon selection of the County. And yes, I cast the values as string in the calculation. 🙂 Anyone else seeing this issue and or have a suggested work around?
Select one - County name with 3 digit FIPS:
County | 001 | Adams |
County | 003 | Allegheny |
County | 005 | Armstrong |
Selected value save "1" instead of "001". Select one field type is esriFieldTypeString.
Example attached.
I engaged tech support. This is a recent bug #BUG-000138199.
Suggestions for workarounds short of post-submission scripting would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Hi @Anonymous User,
Thanks for reporting this issue and posting about it. We are aware of the leading zero issue with choice lists which was introduced in latest update and are working towards fixing it in the release.
Hi Phil, Thanks for responding. For clarity, has it been slated for the next release or potentially a hot-fix type release or just a release yet to be determined. Thanks, Jim
Hi @Anonymous User,
At this stage we are aiming for the next release, not a hotfix to 3.12, due to timing and other limiting factors. However until the issue is resolved and tested we can't confirm exactly when it will be ready, however as soon as it is it will be made available to the Early Adopter Community for testing and feedback.