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Survey123 3.10.239 Image question not displaying icons on IOS

08-24-2020 10:34 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have connected to an existing feature service using version 3.10.239 and the new advanced XLSForms.  All appears to be working as expected until I get to the Images questions.  In Survey123 Connect, the image questions present the Camera Icon and a folder for adding images to the form and they work as expected.

The same does not work for IOS or Android.  The form works as expected in populating all other question types that I have tried.  These populate the feature service and appear to update the database as expected.  The image questions are blank - in the form on the tablet or phone, there is no icon or folder to create or select an image to add.  Suggestions?  What Have I forgotten?

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3 Replies
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Occasional Contributor

Oops, replied to wrong question.  Still have not resolved the image question

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Occasional Contributor

Please people, 38 reviews and no suggestions?

I have tried deleting and re-adding image questions - no joy - they still show the camera Icon and folder icon and clickable to capture image within Connect but not on tablet or phone after published.

I can publish without image questions - every other question works as expected.

I add one image question before the last group - works in Connect but not on tablet or phone

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