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Survey 123 gps accuracy

11-28-2018 12:44 PM
New Contributor II

Ive created a bunch of forms etc to support our field staff as they go around managing our flood protection infrastructure, basically the forms are working perfectly. BUT im capturing the spatial location on each form and in most cases this location is Wildly off from the actual location. I've checked with the staff and they assure me that they are entering the data at the actual location. 

Survey 123 is running on Samsung A8 series phones, and there is no need for sub meter accuracy, some of these points are kilometers out. 

Thoughts ? I have been manually moving the points, but realy that is not the solution. 

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by Anonymous User
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I think there are some issues with certain Android OS versions that cause the accuracy to degrade. Are the survey occurring at "Known" locations? If so, then you could use the to help keep the locations "tied" down.

Otherwise, you might want to think about attempting to use the averaging positions function to help obtain better accuracy or a Bluetooth enabled GPS that will help guarantee better accuracy. Averaging is invoked when the person filling out the survey taps and holds down on the small GPS cross hairs that shows up next to the map.