I am trying to submit a survey I created over an existing survey and am getting the custom feature service submission URL is not compatible with this survey.
Is it looking for an existing feature service with an existing URL and I just copy that URL into the settings tab on the .XLSForm? What causes this error to pop up?
Hello @SLouq,
Are you trying to submit a survey or publish a survey based on the existing feature service? Typically this error is seen when trying to publish a survey.
If you are trying to publish the survey have you added any questions to the XLSForm or made any changes to the feature service schema? Also to confirm what URL is being used in the XLSForm settings tab? Please see this documentation for reference on the correct URL to use.
Thank you for the reply Zachary!
I will look at it tomorrow.
I am trying to publish a survey from Survey123 Connect.
I went look at some previous forms created in the past that worked and noticed that the Form ID and Submission URL fields were blank in the Settings sheet. So I deleted the submission URL and Form ID in this form. Maybe that will eliminate this error.
For me most of the times that error comes when the feature service has a different name than the form_id in the settings sheet of your survey. Make also sure that if you have calculations/questions in your form that are not going into any attribute field to set them to the type null.
Hi Nicole,
I am working on a similar workflow here. When you say set the type to null, would this apply to my SQL statement where clause and pull data @ layer function? There is no reason I need this to appear as a field in the feature layer.
No, @bsklaohfl , I mean the bind::esri:fieldType. If you select here null then the value calculated in that field will not be written to the feature layer.