I have a survey with images as multiline.
Users need to add comments for each photo.
How would I configure the xls form to show the photo comment text input more photos are taken?
I'm trying to avoid having 10 "Photos Description" text inputs shown on the survey.
Ideally I'd like the text input line to appear as another photo is taken.
Hi Melissa,
for me the only way is to add a "repeats" question...and with this question you create a related table where you can add add a textbox for every image question.
If I put the photos and comments in a repeat, it's difficult to get the photos out,
Per this esri post: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-blog/survey123-tricks-of-the-trade-photos/ba-p/897907
@MelissaSalich wrote:If I put the photos and comments in a repeat, it's difficult to get the photos out
I know very well, but in fact in that post you can read also...
For clarity, this is not to say that you should not include image questions within a repeat. For example, If you want to have a repeat and then add an image question along with a text question for a description or something else, that is all good. It is adding a repeat containing just an image question that should be avoided
...that is your question