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Set Value Inside of Repeat Record

04-19-2018 01:53 PM
Frequent Contributor
select_one shrub_speciessp1select species
begin repeatshrub_interceptsenter intercepts
textshrub_speciesselected shrub speciesyes${sp1}
integerint_start_cmstart CM
integerint_end_cmend CM
end repeat

Surveyors don't want to continually select a shrub_species inside the repeat each time they advance the repeat. They want select it 1 time (outside the repeat), then set multiple int_start_cm / int_end_cm values inside the repeat.

Everything works as-expected until they want to switch the select_one shrub_species in the top dropdown box.

If you back arrow < to the previously entered repeat records, they display the currently selected sp1 value, not the value that was selected when they were added.

Luckily, after submitting and syncing the data, the database displays the correctly selected sp1 value.

Anyone have a workaround so that field staff can page backward through the repeat and see what sp1 value was set?

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10 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks Dan - I have replicated this behaviour and will raise a bug for it.



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Occasional Contributor

I also have a similar problem....

I have transects with plots....

I am trying to auto populate plant species name selected in one repeat... to paste or drag the names into another repeat so entering names is not so redundant.... 

Any help with auto populating text/values to the next repeat section? 

Thanks in advance !

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Nathan

The original issue has been fixed in 3.1. Please see the attached working example.



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Occasional Contributor

This is great Jonathan! And thank you so much for replying and helping develop ideas in survey123....

I will very likely use this for the Line-intercept section of the vegetation data collection once I get through the more complex plot data gauntlet....

However, I am stuck in the development of a plant data collection form using survey123 because the forms are too slow.... bummer... I really like the work flow that you and esri have created.... totally awesome.... and totally easy usable interface....

It seems the only way I can make the form work fast at this point in time is to use repeats for each plot (species name, cover value, and height)..... the problem I am running into is the overuse of the select_one type in order to select from a species (3,000+) list... this slows the forms down significantly.... I have tried using pulldata() with .csv, cascading selects, and external choices.... these are great... however my form is too complex for survey123.... and the forms still performance is limited especially on the uploading on my phone....

 The problem: I have to select from a species list at every plot (20 plots per beltline=60 total plots).... on every beltline transect (3-5 at minimum)..... in more complex ecosystems there are sometimes 50 species.... 

The solution: I need to create a calculation that pulls the values (species name specifically) from one repeat and paste them into the next repeat for each plot on all beltlines.... this would limit the amount of select_one list pulls needed to accomplish the task and would make the form performance increase.... I believe... and hope... and pray.... This would also save time on the collection process..... win win!

I used the open data kit (ODK) to produce a xlsForm (see attachment) that addresses this issue.... they created an indexed-repeat() calculation that can pull answers within repeats based on the repeat position in the repeat child table.... the only thing I haven't figured out is how to add the species names to the next repeat in the next plot.... I may be able to use the relevant column and a simple calculation as you did in the above example to accomplish this task.... 

Does survey123 plan on making this a possibility anytime soon? I know it would benefit all business areas including the biological/ecological community.... I would love to make this form work in Survey123... cause its awesome and easy to use... and doesn't require crazy programming skills....

See attached example below that I used with ODK... I used the indexed-repeat() calculation to pull the plant species names into an analysis section... which is ultimately my goal in collecting plant data.... ODK has lots of other neat calculations and features that survey123 doesn't offer such as absolute value or "abs()"... I recommend seeing what developments these folks have made because they have the ability to improve survey123 and ODK uses the same forms and coding format... I think....

Thank you again for all Jonathan and esri

Can you consider this issue for elevation and development to esri/survey123?

Header 1
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by Anonymous User
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You should look into using a few extra questions with "choice_filters" to narrow down to the plant species that you are attempting to use as an answer...I use 3 questions and I have over 2,500 species within my choices and they perform quickly with no issues....almost instantaneously... I also have my final question using a pulldata request to pull the common name.

Only draw back is using multiple questions and maybe few more clicks, but could be worthwhile in the long run if do not include the extra questions within the submittal.



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Occasional Contributor


Mike... do you mind sharing your xlsForm so I can get an idea of how you using questions to limit the list and use choice_filter?

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Nathan, I would like to but it is company materials created for a private client, so I will not be able to share the content of that particular file.

Here is an article that talks about the use of the choice filter - and I have implemented the first section of the article and only used the choice filter for the questions that ask Genus, which in turns filters down choices of the second question and then the pulldata() will populate the Common Name.

Sorry about not being able to share the actual xlsx form, but I think this along with the article will help out.

I forgot to add in how the questions look, but I think you already have this part figured out.

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Occasional Contributor

Mike... Thank you for sharing this idea.... 

Cascading selects works great for pulling species name based on genus.....

However, my form at minimum must have the possibility of 40 plants per plot, 20 plots per transect, and at least 3-5 beltlines... which makes a total of at least 2,400 list selects... outside of a repeat... this has slowed the sheets down so much they are unusable.... I even tried using relevance to minimize loading time with cascading selects....

I hope that ESRI/Survey123 makes some sort of function/calculation that can make repeatable plant names from one repeat to the next in the next update.... because it is the only way thus far to handle the amount of list selects needed to even attempt to build a vegetation data collection form... which would be ultimate in my line of work..... and many other business areas.... because it saves time and money.....

I have submitted an "idea" to index and repeat answers regarding repeat sections of forms.... Once I get all the species in the correct order from repeat to repeat.... I can analyze them in the form.... potentially finding relative % cover, average height, and other measures of ecosystem health.....

Thank you again for sharing... it all helps us all....

Any word on the update or development of this matter?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Nathan 

We have an open enhancement request for indexed-repeats and have added your requirements to it.



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