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Search Appearance Dynamic Choice Lists Clearing Values When Navigating Repeats

02-04-2024 07:14 PM
Frequent Contributor

I'm experiencing an issue where dynamic choice lists that are being populated using a hosted CSV with the Search() appearance are deleting their contents when navigating between repeats. 

I first thought it was the fact that I am also using pulldata(@layer) on those fields to fetch existing data, based on scanning a unique barcode. After extensive troubleshooting this over the past week I've found that it seems to be an issue with search() appearance itself. I believe what is happening is the lists are being fetched every time you navigate to a new repeat record and this is causing dependent fields below (i.e., choice filters) to clear their contents as well. 

Is this a known issue, or is there a known work-around? The closest I've found is the following post: I implemented the fix suggested by Allard last night, did extensive testing in connect and everything seemed good. This morning I grabbed one of our iPad Pros and found the behavior persists, as if nothing I changed in the xlsx the night before made a difference. 

Any help would be very appreciated! 

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Frequent Contributor


Does anyone know a work around to keep fields dependent on a search() appearance from clearing when navigating repeats? 

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