I was hoping someone could assist as I think I have stumbled across a bug with the search appearance when using url parameters in the web form. When attempting to edit an existing record in my survey, if I simply want to edit the record everything works fine.
So https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/32d28c25ee9e4a0b9599bf1430162843?mode=edit&globalId=aceb084d-e547-4600-8a5e-9fc7ecedcb47 allows me to edit the record and the select_one with the search appearance (the Project Number question) works as expected, see below.
If however, I want to update a field in my survey using the &field: url parameter I find that the select one with the search appearance will not pull through the existing data.
So the url https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/32d28c25ee9e4a0b9599bf1430162843?mode=edit&globalId=aceb084d-e547-4600-8a5e-9fc7ecedcb47&field:example2=no where I want to update the Example select_one question to "no" causes the Project Number question to fail to pull through the existing record, see image below. To be clear this happens whenever I use the field parameter to try and update any other field.
I've tried this with two surveys now and get the same result. I also searched online for this but couldn't see that anyone else had highlighted this problem. If someone could assist with this it would be much appreciated.
Just a note in case anyone else stumbles across this issues, I raised a ticket with Esri support and they have confirmed it is a bug: "BUG-000167846: The value populated in a select_one question with search appearance utilizing an ArcGIS layer is not displayed in the Survey123 web app when using url parameters". There doesn't appear to be anything online about this at the moment but hopefully it will be resolved soon. Cheers
Also found this bug in 3.17 with select_multiple question was answered previously with just one choice instead of multiple. For example, I have A,B,C,D as 4 choices. If just tick A and submit the form, A will be saved with the form feature, everything is as expected so far. But if open the same form again for edit, the question doesn't pick the saved attribute and showing all 4 choices as unticked. BugBugBug