I created a survey using the Survey123 Web Designer. I have a Single Choice question that is required (I have checked the validation box). A red star appears next to the question, but I am able to submit the survey without answering it. In the attached photo I have clicked submit on the survey, other survey questions with validation are highlighted in red but not the final question which should also be required.
Solved! Go to Solution.
I created the repro case by copying the survey where I originally found this issue and removing extraneous questions. I am also unable to reproduce the issue when starting a new survey from scratch.
I was able to solve the issue by deleting the question in my original survey and re-creating the exact same question.
What is the version of the web app are you using? (Survey>Settings>Version).
Is this only accur with one specifc select one required question, or applied to other types of questions?
What browser did you use and does it make any difference if you try other browser tools?
I am using the 3.11 version of the web app.
Some but not all of the single choice questions in my survey display this behavior. The questions that have this issue are both the final questions on a page and the final question in a group. In addition, the have a rule attached to them. I tried removing the question from the group and removing the rule but this did not fix the issue. I did not notice this issue with any other question types.
I noticed this issue using Google Chrome, I was able to replicate the same behavior using Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
Thanks for your help!
Do you experience the same issue when you have all the questions on the same page, in other words removing the 'pages' function?
Hello Alber,
Yes I experience the same issue when all the questions are on the same page.
Could you provide a simple repro case to demo the issue if you can reproduce this by creating a new survey with web designer?
I did try to create a similar survey based on your description but was unable to repro the issue.
If you could provide a simple repro case, that will be very helpful to narrow down the issue.
Here is a link to a repro case: https://arcg.is/0Li8HW
All questions in the repro are required, Q2 demonstrates the issue I'm describing. I am able to submit the survey without responding to this question. The behavior I expect is that I am required to select an option for this question before submitting the survey.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the form. I was able to reproduce the issue using your provided form. But I was unable to repro the same by creating a similar survey following your form design.
We will look into the form you provided and see if we can find out the cause.
Here just to confirm if I am following your form design correctly:
1. Create Page 1 and insert two select one questions(Q1 and Q2) and make them required.
2 Create Page 2 and insert one select one question(Q3) and make it required.
3. Create a rule to have the Q3 shows up when click one of choice in Q2.
Please let me know if I am missing something here, but following the above steps I was not able to reproduce the behavior though.
I created the repro case by copying the survey where I originally found this issue and removing extraneous questions. I am also unable to reproduce the issue when starting a new survey from scratch.
I was able to solve the issue by deleting the question in my original survey and re-creating the exact same question.