I am trying to re-publish an existing survey. The only change I made was an update to the existing TPK in the media folder, to reflect the latest local aerial imagery. The newly created TPK was copied into the media folder, to replace the old one (same file name). I have successfully done this the past couple of years, no issues. This time, when I re-publish the survey in Connect (after updating the TPK in the media folder), it gets stuck and keeps spinning (please see attached screenshot). HOWEVER, the survey seems to have been successfully re-published anyway, even though the re-publishing does not seem to be completed, as it is still spinning. When I open the Survey123 app on my phone, it prompts me to update the survey in question and when I open it, the new TPK imagery shows up in the survey map (while the Connect re-publishing is still spinning, hours later). Any ideas on what's going on? Thank you!
Also try uploading the TPK to AGOL and adding it as linked content, instead of in the media folder.
Thank you for replying!
Also try uploading the TPK to AGOL and adding it as linked content, instead of in the media folder. For now, I would like to fix the issue with republishing first, before I make changes to the process.
@IrenaHouseholder, did you ever get your problem fixed? Hope so, without having to do what worked for me.
Wow. Can't believe this is a thing, Esri, if this is, in fact, what is going on. Ignore everything below the asterisks. It's what I'd written before I did some more digging just for context of my original line of investigation.
While I did open/close S123 Connect, sign in, sign out, reboot computer, etc., it may all have to do with the FolderID of the AGO Content folder in which it was originally published. This is what ultimately worked after one try.
Your best hope is: Did you move the form from the original dumb Survey-[SurveyNameThatAGOCreatesAutomatically] folder to another folder in AGO? If so, and you did not delete that auto-created folder, move the published form back into it and try republishing again. If that works, then great. Don't move it from its original folder, just rename the folder, I guess.
You're medium hope is to try and open through the 'Edit in Survey123 Connect drop down in the form's content page and try that. It did not work for me, so it may have no hope for you either.
What worked for me...open the folder in File Explorer (this is from Windows) where the Survey is stored on your local machine and open the [Survey].itemInfo file. Look for the property "ownerFolder". That seems to be where Survey123 Connect is looking to put your updated form. I had deleted the original auto-generated Survey folder from my AGO after moving the form to the project folder. I doubt recreating it with the same Human readable name would have made a difference. Here's how I got the ownerFolder for the form's current location.
Following guidance from this post: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-api-for-python-questions/get-user-folder-name-provided-the-fold... I popped this into the AGO Notebook:
import arcgis
gis = GIS("home")
userName = input("Enter User Name: ")
gisUser = arcgis.gis.User(gis, userName)
for fld in gisUser.folders:
print(fld['id'], fld['title'])
gis = GIS(urlAGOL, userName, userPass)
gisUser = arcgis.gis.User(gis, "username of person who owns folder")for fld in gisUser.folders:print(fld['id'], fld['title'])
added the AGO URL, UN, and pw parameters and it spat out all of my AGO content folders and the Folder IDs that look just like any other random content ID. I copied the ID of the folder to which I had moved the Form content item into the ownerFolder property of the forms .itemInfo file in the form folder on my computer. When I republished, it went through immediately and everything appears to be functioning normally/as desired. Just had to do it again the next day with a different survey and had the same success.
I am absolutely no kind of S123 guru and no idea why it still seemed to be doing some kind of update to the form even though the publishing wheel kept spinning.
I have no help to offer except that I am experiencing a similar issue. The only linked content I have is a web map. That has not changed, though I did just unlink and re-link it since encountering the issue.
The only change I made was adding two fields that were in the hosted feature layer, which I subsequently removed when I realized one of them was reserved.
I haven't seen any other errors and I haven't seen anything else that could be causing an issue.
Running V3.17.54 in an AGO-only environment.
Thank you, I will look into this and report back!
Thanks for your comment. I had moved the survey to another folder. If you had not mentioned that, I would have been scratching my head for days.
For reference you can also find the folder ID in the URL, I was able to copy the ID there and paste it into the ITEMINFO File.