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Pulldata to get nearest polygon from geopoint location

10-25-2023 10:36 AM
Occasional Contributor III

I want to use a pulldata calculation in my survey to return an attribute value of the nearest polygon to my geopoint location. I have a where clause to filter the query layer based on the filter_text below.

pulldata("@layer", "getValueAt", "attributes.FIELD_NAME", "rest_url?distance=50&units=esriSRUnit_Foot", ${location}, concat("FILTER_OUT<>'", ${filter_text},"'"))

I am running into a few issues:

1) If outside of the nearest polygon, it may not always pull the nearest polygon, but the one adjacent to it.
2) If within a polygon, it is not returning the value of that polygon but the one adjacent to it. 

Is there a way to adjust the syntax of the pulldata expression to resolve the issues above?


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