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Pulldata returning error message

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02-12-2018 12:32 PM
New Contributor II

I have loaded external data into the media folder in my Survey123 folder.

GRSM_species_list is the exact name of the csv in the media folder. 

cover_lookup is another csv in the media folder. 

I am not sure how to interpret the error message I am receiving. #

When I publish the form I get the following error message:

Error: Initialing Form...

  • External instance "GRSM_species_list" is empty.
  • FormLogicError: instance "cover_lookup" does not exist in model
23 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Kendra - are you able to load and submit to the following:

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Thank you for all of your help John! Everything works great! Thanks for sticking with me until it was resolved, much appreciated! 

New Contributor II


I am having a different problem. It woks for some fields and for other it is not working or retrieving data from different fields !  

Any suggestions ?


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Mahdi - can you share your survey form.xls? - I will publish it and take a look.



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New Contributor II

Thank you Johnathan,

Attached is the xls form and the IAMP file (to be inserted in Media)

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New Contributor II
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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Mahdi

I have taken a look at your survey and the issue looks to be that one of the column names in your external .csv contains both a comma and a question mark. The extra comma is breaking the .csv and the wrong values are being returned by the pulldata function. Updating the .csv should fix things.



New Contributor II

It works. Thank you

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New Contributor II

Hi Can you help me in the below:
It is possible to collect data using survey 123 for only missing fields in hosted feature layer using collect and not inbox.
I have a hosted feature layer having the fields (pcode1,name,length, width, location) collected using survey 123. (12-654,house,14,25,36.55 33.5) the first 5 fields now are filled.
today, i need to do another data collection for the same site. I added the fields (color,type,size) in the hosted feature layer and submission url in the new survey 123.
now i can go to inbox in the new form of survey 123 and inbox and find the pcode and update the fields already shown (color=black,etc..).

What i am asking is the following:
I need the collector go to the new form survey 123 and collect new data and add the following fields (pcode2, color, type, size) and send.
the survey 123 should look for pcode1 = pcode 2 and fill the missing data.
The new enumerators should not be allowed to see inbox or send items.
Thank you,
waiting your reply.

Johnathan Hasthorpe's Blog
Johnathan Hasthorpe

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Mahdi

If you wanted to populate a new survey with existing data you would need to use the pulldata() function. You could do a lookup based on the pcode1 value to return the values that you need and populate the form. The only issue is that you would need to have the existing data available in a .csv file. If there were updates to the underlying data you would need to update .csv and then republish the survey. Please see: Use existing data in your survey - the pulldata( ) function for more information.


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