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Pulldata from offline maps

12-13-2023 10:01 AM
New Contributor


I am using pulldata() to auto populate a question field based on a user's location in an online feature layer.

However, the user must be connected to wifi for the fields to calculate correctly. This is an issue for some of our field workers and creates the potential for data errors.

Since we've had the new update that allows survey123 to be linked to offline maps, is it possible to query the offline map and for pulldata to calculate offline? I am querying a single feature layer.


2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @TaylorGroves,

Unfortunately pulldata("@layer") is an online only function at this time and does not work offline. We have an internal issue to support this in the future, but is in our backlog. 

Thank you,
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Regular Contributor

Hi @ZacharySutherby  Hope this reaches you well.

I would be interested if any progress has been made with this  functionality as I face the same issue whereby field staff are often not in Wi-Fi or cellular coverage . Please keep me updated with any progress.

Thank you,
