I am using Survey123 Connect to configure my survey. I want to use pages so I defined "pages" under style in settings tab and I wrap each group of questions inside begin group - end group with appearance "field-list". It works fine, survey looks as expected in Survey123 Connect and after publishing to AGOL.
The problem happens when I start to register data inside the web form. At the beginning I get the correct number of pages:
However, after filling out some attributes it is changed to "Page x of 5". I noticed it happens after filling out repeat question on page 3.
After clicking "next" I am moved on the page 4 and get "Page 4 of 5".
It always happens with my last page (last group).
The example above describes "repeat" question, but I have experienced the same with "select_one" question, which I then deleted while investigating the case.
My "relevant" column is empty. I can't see any other condition which would make my last group disappear from the schema.
Is it a known issue? I would appreciate some help.
Could be a special char or a field name too long or something like that. Post the form or it is pretty hard to tell.
Only thing that jumps out at me is these special chars. I would try removing them to start with and see. I could see maybe see issues with # employees and % ownership. Special chars can get you.
Unrelated I would suggest making your name and labels the same in your lists. Name is what is actually stored so if you ever push to other software, export, etc you will lose the meaning of all of these and it will just say assettype1 and no one will know what that means. It will cause you a data nightmare for years to come. No one likes lookup tables really so just make them the same.
Hope that does it
Sorry for late replay (caused by Easter break). I removed special characters from field labels, copied the survey and published as a new survey but it did not help.
What I noticed is when I leave page 3 empty, fill out some fields on the page 4,5,6 and then go back to the page 3 and add some owners/tenants, then the page 6 does noe disappear. But when I fill out some fields on the page 3 first, and then want to continue, the page 6 is already not there. So maybe it might be something with related tables, since fields on page 3 are constructed as repeats? It looks like a bug, but I cannot find an issue.
Should I maybe open a ticket with Esri support?
Another thing.. I have just added two new fields - the list with choices, and 'other' field if the value is not present in the list:
Fields are visible on page 1 of my form. Page 6 disappears immediately after I choose any value from the list. Is it not a little bit strange? There is no relation between this field and my group from page 6. Attached you can find an updated survey form.
Sorry I do not know not seeing anything.