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Overwriting time question when cycling through repeats

4 weeks ago
New Contributor III

Using survey123 connect I have created form containing repeats which contain a time field. If I cycle through the repeats once filled out, the time field for all the repeats change to the most recent entry. I've tried using the once( function and changing the bind parameters to manual calculation and this works fine before publishing the survey on desktop, but the error perists on the field app and post submission. Any thoughts?


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7 Replies
Regular Contributor

I am struggling on the same, finger crossed I managed.

I would say that depends on the type of calculation, one solution does not fit all.

Have you tried to use "calculationMode=whenEmpty"

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New Contributor III

yeah tried that, looked fine on the desktop but then wrong on the field app, frustrating.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Wrap it in once() works well for me

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New Contributor III

did you just do once(now()) for the calculation and it was fine? or did you set the parameters field to manual also? I saw your previous response to a similar post.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I have been using just once(now()) for years before the calculation modes were added.  So far been ok.

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MVP Regular Contributor

I literally just had this come up after no issues. Will be trying once() myself (as @DougBrowning suggested).

MVP Regular Contributor

once() is definitely a good solution, I've been liking calculationMode=whenEmpty for calculations as well.

If you're just looking for it to capture now(), could you put it in the default column instead of the calculation column?