Hello ! I wish to learn ArcGIS survey 123 from many days and I don’t know how ,please suggest the best way to start ArcGIS Survey without any experience and also it’s practical usage ! Thank you
Hi @KalyaniMallepally,
Free Esri Academy training content on ArcGIS Survey123,
You can find some customer user stories on this page,
Hope this helps,
Thank you!!
Survey123 is first and foremost a data collection app, it is set up as a form, similar to forms available from Microsoft or Google, just with spatial data at the core.
Esri Training has a lot of good samples to learn from, there are a lot of free lessons here on Survey123 or any variety of GIS topics. Esri Training | Your Location for Lifelong Learning
As well, if you install Survey123 Connect, the editing application for Survey123 there are many templates available from Esri to look through to see what it can do.
There's lots of documentation around, and of course, the Esri Community is always a great place to ask questions to help learn!
Thank you Robert Anderson for your reply
I highly recommend @IsmaelChivite's Tricks of the Trade blog. It's my go-to resource for all things Survey123.