Hi all,
I am trying to use the relevant column to show questions that are dependent on certain values in a drop down list. Interns will be collecting information for various plant species, and will select one species at a time, but multiple species codes necessitate a new field that I hope to keep hidden unless that species is selected.
For example, we have codes such as ALRU2_S1, ALRU2_S2, and ALRU2_S3 to indicate different sizes of red alder seedlings. I'm hoping to keep the "Count" field hidden unless a seedling code is entered.
I've had a lot of success with the following, which is currently working for one value at a time:
selected(${species}, 'ALRU2_S1')
I am wondering how to add multiple values in this syntax so that the seedling count field pops up for more than one species code, if that is not within Survey123 limitations.
Just put an or between them
selected(${species}, 'ALRU2_S1') or selected(${species}, 'ALRU2_S2') etc
Can I do an ${field}="answer" and (${field2}="answer" or ${field3} = "answer"). So the first condition has to be true but the last two either can be true.
Any Update on this?