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Merge 2 Surveys (Survey123) in ArcGIS Portal

06-15-2020 04:33 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello there, 

I have a situation where my project manager requested me to create a Survey123. After a few months, I got a request to create a similar Survey123 (a few of questions were added or deleted, but it is still similar) (and i dont know why we didn't just update the original survey in the first place. So currently we have a few hundred of records in one survey and a few hundred records in another. The request is now to merge both the surveys (with slightly differing schema) so that all the records are in one survey to continue with. 

What would be the best way to do that? 

The objective is to keep all data with all attachments (pictures and audio recordings related to either survey) in one final survey. 

I am thinking about playing with ArcGIS Pro on the published feature services, but I am not sure if this would keep the attachments intact as well? 

All ideas are welcome. 


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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Aurelija,

you can do it with ArcGIS Pro and an Append Geoprocessing, just keep in mind to activate the following option: Maintain Attachments (Environment setting)—Geoprocessing | Documentation 



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Hello Stefano, 

Thank you very much for your input. 

Do I understand correctly that I should download the File GDBs of the 2 feature services before I can append them with ArcGIS Pro? 

And after that I just republish and overwrite one of the feature services? (to keep the Survey123 form item connected to it) 

The idea is to continue using one merged survey123 for continuous collection of data... I hope that is possible!


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Do I understand correctly that I should download the File GDBs of the 2 feature services before I can append them with ArcGIS Pro? 

Yeah, but not necessarily. ArcGIS Pro support most of geoprocessing tools also on feature layer hosted. So you could append one layer on the other without download in your PC. But surely in this way the operation would be faster and safer.

The idea is to continue using one merged survey123 for continuous collection of data... I hope that is possible!

Yes, it's certainly possible collect data with different Survey123 design, but with almost the same purpose.



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