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Make (Integromat) error when trying to send email on survey submission.

08-31-2022 10:57 AM
Occasional Contributor


First time trying to create a webhook for survey123 using Make (integromat). I have made the connections to both my survey123 and Microsoft 365 email. I have the 'Watch survey' set up looking for a survey submission and then the 'Create and Send a Message' for Microsoft 365. All I need is for this to send an email when a survey is submitted but I keep getting the following error:

[400] Error authenticating with resource - RuntimeError

It must be something to do with email because when I click the "Run once" icon, I can see the spinning icon appear on Survey123 until I submit a survey at which point it fails and gives me the 400 error. 


I looked around in the forums and found similar issues but nothing resolved what I am running in to. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! 


Thanks in advance!

3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Encountered this issue too. Started up after Make sent out an update at the end of July I think. Same results and same forum results, too. The only resolution has been to reset your URLs and make sure each one is linked throughout your scenario. Otherwise your best bet is to send in a support ticket via Make/Integromat's internal system. They are in Europe so make sure to account for time differences.

Hope that helps, best regards,


Jansen Lyons - Records and GIS Section - Public Works - City of Rio Rancho, NM
Occasional Contributor

Thanks for your quick reply! I didn't realize that this issue may be caused by that recent July update, interesting. Would you mind explaining what you mean by "reset your URLs". Is this something I need to do in Survey123 or in Make? 

Thanks again. 

Frequent Contributor

Sure thing @DrewChritton , yes it will be in Make/Intregromat. The [400] Error authenticating with resource - RuntimeError came up starting after I think the July 27th Integromat update and they noted it related to how the modules pass urls, the documentation wasn't clear but that is where the error points user to. If you dig you'll find the error and cause for errors in your advanced settings/module history it will note something like error cause is Make, basically pointing back to itself.

Go into your scenario, begin editing, and in the modules noting where your create and send messages are and under either settings or advanced setting pop-ups for edits where the module will pull URLs or have ties to the Watch a Survey module, you will either have to deactivate/reactivate those advanced setting URL fields, point the settings back to the Watch Survey module with the appropriate URLs and parameters if they've been broken, (they can look fine but just selecting those settings and pointing it back is like resetting the index for Arcmap), or you will have to basically recreate your Watch Survey and plug in the "new" Watch Survey module settings and parameters into each of your subsequent modules. The tech support folks with Make/Integromat have a lot more access to what modules look at and do, but the workflows I've explained are what they give me occasionally for fixes and it has been successful before. If it doesn't work for you definitely reach out to Make/Integromat team folks and give them your scenario ID and they will be able to get it figured out on the more advanced level.

Best regards,


Jansen Lyons - Records and GIS Section - Public Works - City of Rio Rancho, NM