I have used the Web Designer to create a Survey123 form with a polygon geometry type, which is used to capture the boundaries of a survey site.
I then also have a field for collecting a photo of the site. Given I want to know the co-ordinates of where the image was taken, I have put another geometry question for the image location (this time a point geometry), have set this not to submit the answer (given I can only have one geometry question per form), but then have fields 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' that are calculated from the latitude and longitude of the point. This is all working well when collecting the original data.
It will be common for people to have to go back to the submitted record and more accurately draw the site boundaries (people find this difficult to do on the app). Therefore I have created an ArcGIS dashboard for them to be able to select the record and edit the boundary on a computer. The problem is, when people go in and edit the site polygon, the image geometry is lost and when they resubmit the record the calculated Latitude and Longitude fields are now empty.
I would like it so that if they edit a record polygon, but don't change the image geometry, that the image Latitude and Longitude are not lost.
Things I have tried:
- made the calculated Latitude and Longitude fields read only in the original Survey123 design (no effect)
- changed the Latitude and Longitude fields to uneditable in the Feature Layer settings (no effect)
It is unlikely people will ever need to edit the location of the images, so I am happy to have the lat/long uneditable somehow.
An experience builder dashboard? You can customize the app used for that and exclude the fields used for the image entirely. They shouldn't be updated if they don't exist.
Thanks for the suggestion - I have started to have a play around with Experience Builder however this is the first time I've used any of these programs (Experience Builder or the standard Dashboards). Can you perhaps clarify where/how I can 'exclude the fields used for the image entirely'? I am struggling to figure out how to do anything except what I did for the dashboard (have a list and embed the survey data). Any suggestions you have would be much appreciated.
I would do so in S123 Connect.
Create a new survey based off an existing survey. Then, you can remove all of the fields you don't want/need. Publish that new survey and use it exclusively in Experience Builder.