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Limiting repeat records shown with query parameters

12-30-2022 08:40 PM
Frequent Contributor

My field users only need to reference (not edit) the last inspection (repeat) entered. 

I have some ideas, but can't figure out how to implement them:

My ideas were:

1. Limit the form to only show the last repeat entered using query in bind::esri:parameters (how would I do that?)


2. Sort them so the last inspection entered is shown first and they didn't have to scroll through all of the old ones. My parameter query="orderByFields='EventYear DESC, EventQuarter DESC'" allowUpdates=true did NOT seem to work.

Any help would be appreciated!


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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor


Did you ever solved this?

I would like to do something similar ... when editing a survey, have the repeat open on the last record rather than the first.


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Frequent Contributor

No sorry I didn't! I believe it is a know limitation, but I haven't checked if it's been resolved. 

I ended up taking the repeats out into their own form and used the inbox to show all the inspections.

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