I am trying to run the Survey123 Field App (3.1.158) on a windows 7 machine. When i open S123, nothing happens when i click on a survey on the My Surveys page. I can login to Portal, download surveys, click on the bars in the upper right corner, go into settings, etc. but when i try to open a survey i get nothing.
I have also tried installing and running the Classic Survey123 but get the same results.
Hi Gary,
I just took a quick peak at the System requirements—Survey123 for ArcGIS | ArcGIS documentation and it looks like issues have been reported with using the Field App on some machines using Windows 7. Can you verify that your machine also meets the following hardware requirements?
System requirements are met. S123 field app has been run before on this machine, but today it is all jammed up. Nothing has changed on the computer other than Windows updates.
Hi Gary,
We had blank S123 Field App and Connect windows with Win7 until we got Windows updates.
When i open S123 i get everything showing properly, and everything is accessible except for the surveys on the My Surveys page. When I click on them, nothing happens.
Hi Gary,
Hmm, not the best outcome!
I haven't had the best run with Connect; on Win10 I had to skip 3.0.142 entirely and roll back to 3.0.128 temporarily because I would only be presented with published surveys, and none of the new ones I was creating.
Hi Gary,
Are you able to create a log file to try to write out your system settings?
Hi Gary,
Can you confirm that the C:\<username>\ArcGIS\My Surveys\Databases\a084e65cd9403d813e8ec667ca329a63 files (.sqlite and .ini) are present? There are a number of errors in the log in attempting to read the database.