Is it possible to have the instance name of my surveys be the object id that is automatically generated? If yes, can you explicitly state how this would be achieved using connect. (The instance name documentation doesn't seem to speak to this directly). If no, is it possible to query the inbox using object id?
Hi Kerr Hewin, currently it is not possible to use objectid in your survey. The ability to retrieve objectid (and other non-editable fields) from an existing feature service and make these available in a survey form has been raised as an enhancement. I'll add your comments to our internal enhancement request and update this thread if/when info becomes available.
Thanks, Jim
Hi @Jim-Moore.
Is this enhancement still on the development side? Really like to use the object id in the instance name, need to show that to the users in the inbox folder on Survey123 field app.
Hi @CesarAvila perhaps this workaround suggested by @MJBiazar would be of use? Essentially, you can add an integer question named objectid (or other name of the layer's object ID field), make it read-only, and set its bind::esri:fieldType to null. This should allow the object ID to be displayed in the form (and the instance name) for records opened from the inbox.
cc: @KerrHewin
hi @Jim-Moore ,
can i know how to reach the point you mentioned
i already have objectid as intejer and bind::esri:fieldType to null but when refresh the inbox i am getting error
What is the error you're receiving? Does the name of the object ID question in your survey match the object ID field in the feature layer?
Is there a WHERE filter on the inbox that might be omitting some records?
Is the Sent folder also enabled for the survey? If so, are there records in the Sent folder? Survey records can only exist in one of these folders at a time - check the Sent folder to see if the records you're expecting to see are in there.