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04-20-2023 04:14 PM
Emerging Contributor

I need to bring into the Inbox only the must recent dated inspection and I am trying to set up a WHERE clause for it. I've tried the following with no luck. Can anybody suggest a solution. 

thanks in advance!



1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

Hi @dalvarez , based on the problem you could query based on an on or after date query if you know the date, if you do not know the date then you could query off of the most recent work week. There are posts detailing this which I will link below. If this doesn't help as specifically a query as you need, e.g. only the one most recent Survey, I would suggest creating a query for user+filtered date, or a set object ID for example. The inbox will have limits of how many features can be returned, i think it's 1000 if i read correctly elsewhere. 

Hope this helps get you started on the query you are wanting. My users have not had so large an inbox to plan for yet so the specifics of filtering would be best found elsewhere or determined by contacting your ESRI Rep. That way they can help you navigate the specifics of your survey that you may need not share here. Best regards,



Jansen Lyons - Records and GIS Section - Public Works - City of Rio Rancho, NM
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