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Image questions not parsing in report template

10-18-2023 01:14 PM
Emerging Contributor

For some reason report templates that were working two weeks ago are no longer able to parse the image questions. After searching the forum I see this is a perennial issue, but I cannot figure out the cause of the problem in this instance. I am not using repeats, no bind::esrifieldtype specified (maybe that is the problem?). I am attaching the xlsx form, the report template, and the sample report template containing the valid fields (note that the attachment keyword fields are not included...why?). Again, my report template was working fine as recently as two weeks ago, and there have been no changes on my end to either the survey or report template.

Any help is appreciated!



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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

This is quite strange.

I was able to publish your form ( I had to clear the submission url) and test the report. It worked all fine for me (See attached PDF). This may be either a temporary problem or something specific to your environment. If the problem persist, could you open a Tech Support incident so an analyst can help with diagnostics?


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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for such a quick reply Ismael! This is great validation that the issue is not with the form or the report template. I will continue to troubleshoot, but I do think I will open a support ticket to expedite things. 

Many thanks!

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