Hello All,
we have a scenario to collect the current device/GPS location into standalone inspection table through Survey123 form.
Basically which will tell us where exactly inspector performed the inspections. Our current Survey123 form navigating through Collector. So, either we can pass these coordinates from Collector to Survey123 through custom URL otherwise we can collect directly in Survey123 form. Both the solution will work for us.
If anyone of you encountered such scenarios please guide us with the solution.
You can use the pulldata function to pass coordinates into the hosted feature service that's linked to your Survey123 form: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-blog/pulling-data-from-geopoint-questions/ba-p/896838
Thanks fro reply @ThomasHamill ,
Here we are using a stand alone table for inspection. If we use "geopoint" in standalone table, we are unable to publish the survey form.
Is there any other solution to get the current device location from arcgis collector to survey form through custom Url schema.
In addition to the information from ThomasHamill, take a look at the Excel extract attached. There are other things you can pull that can help you determine how much you can trust the coordinate information received from the device used. The sample is not the entire XLSForm I use but it should help you.