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GPS Coordinate Accuracy Field

05-26-2016 08:19 AM
New Contributor

Hi there, I was wondering if there was a way to take the GPS coordinate accuracy (± X meters) and populate a field based level of accuracy that the survey was collected at. The location of the point is critical to the success of our survey and knowing if or which point is less accurate is important for our data collection. Is there a way to do this in Survey123 or is this something that may be added in future updates of the survey?

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11 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor


It would be a good idea to move this thread to the Survey123 for ArcGIS​ place for more appropriate visibility.

Does Survey123 collect attributes on GPS accuracy? If so, then I would imagine that this could be displayed on a map based on the variation of the attributes (whether it be text like high, medium, low, or if it is in numeric form showing how many feet the accuracy is off by).

It looks like this enhancement request was made awhile back:

Report accuracy reading from the location manager in Survey 123 · Issue #159 · Esri/Survey123Communi...

And it looks like it was implemented? I can't really tell:

Fixed on build 1.1.4. Closing.

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New Contributor


I thought I posted it on the Survey123 thread as that was the page that I posted the question but I guess not. How do I move it to the Survey123 thread?

That enhancement request looks like the accuracy has been included while collecting data for the survey. What I am looking for is to take that accuracy and have it update a field in the attribute table so that when I’m looking at the data in AGOL I can see how accurately that data point was collected after the fact.



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MVP Honored Contributor


There should be a way to Edit your post (look near the upper right corner of the page). In the Edit, there should be a way to move your post to another space. (Also, moderators on this board can move your post as well).

From looking at this thread:

Geopoint-elevation, accuracy, threshold

It looks like the functionality may not be fully added yet, but it is coming, potentially.

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New Contributor

Are you able to move this post as the only options I’m given for places are utility survey123 and survey123 for dept. of transportation?


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MVP Honored Contributor

I cannot move it. Try typing in exactly "survey123". That is the name of the main survey123 group.

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New Contributor

That is what I did and I get the below image. I even tried creating a new question to see if I could get the main group but got the same results.

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MVP Honored Contributor

Oh, first you may need to "join" the Survey123 group. Then you can post to it.

Go to Survey123 for ArcGIS

and click Join Group at the top right corner.

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Occasional Contributor III

Check this out: Star Wars Day Release it may contain some of the info you are looking for.


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New Contributor

There have been some neat enhancements, such as the accuracy threshold, that will be very useful.

I didn’t see what I was looking for specifically.

Here is my scenario, I have dozens of guys going out to different houses and collecting surveys on multiple devices, in some cases they will need to revisit a location but it may not be the same person going to that location. I can’t control how accurately they collect the data so for quality control purposes I would like to know if it possible to have a field auto populate with the accuracy number so that when I download the data later I can see if the accuracy was at 4m or 30m when they collected the point, that way I can determine if the point is accurate or not on my map. Is this a possibility?



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