Hey there,
I'd like to know how far I can go with the url scheme to populate my survey. I already got simple things like ID and Creator figured out.
I would like to get the location parameters for a "geopoint" directly without a list.This way I could match new points in Collector directly with a Survey.
It would also be nice to get the {CreationDate} from Collector in a "date"-type in Survey.
Also it would be interesting to match my data from Collector with a "select_one" in Survey.
Is any of the above possible?
Thanks in advance
Hi Leo,
The center parameter will supply the location for a geopoint question:
ex: center=37.8199,-122.4783
You can find out more at Integrate with other apps—Survey123 for ArcGIS | ArcGIS
Ok, cool. Neraly there.
The coordinates you use are seperated by a point (center=37.8199,-122.4783) but ArcGIS displays points with a comma instead (37,8199,-122,4783)
This leads to an incorrect output at the geopoint. This center=37.8199,-122.4783 turns out as center=37,81.
The only thing I found to chance this it to set my seperator is in the settings of windows
Do I miss something obvious? I tried to change the comma to point in ArcGIS in my {ESRIGNSS_LATITUDE} and {ESRIGNSS_LONGITUDE} attributes but it didn't work.
Leonhard - can you review this GoeNet post: https://community.esri.com/message/637513-re-app-linking-of-decimal-values-not-working-correctly ? This sounds like the same issue, but with a different flavor. Can you verify that your URLs have comma decimal separators instead of period decimal separators (which wasn't the case in the other post)?
Is there a limit to the number of values that can be passed from the collector app into the Survey123 app? I was unsure if there was a limitation in the number of fields or the string length/number of characters for the URL within the hyperlink from within the pop-up window of the collector app into the survey123 app using an iPad.