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Displaying preloaded images in Survey123 Web App

04-26-2017 06:10 PM
New Contributor II

How do I get the images I'm using to style my survey (those in the media folder) to show up in the web app version? I've tried uploading the images to my AGO in the same folder as the form and feature service but am still getting broken image boxes. When I look at the source URL for the broken images they are like this " "

I've also tried linking to the uploaded image directly from the form, but this doesn't work for me either.

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8 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Rachel,

The images should appear automatically; as you note they are uploaded to ArcGIS Online.  One thing to check is to make sure the name of the file, including capital/lowercase letters, matches the name you've typed in the XLS file- the web access is case sensitive.

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New Contributor II

I am uploading the images to AGO myself, they do not come in when I upload my survey from the desktop connect application. Unless they are being put somewhere that I cannot see.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Rachel,

You should not need to upload the images yourself; they are uploaded as part of the form publishing process (that's the <itemID>/info/media/ ... link you cited above).  Take a look at  as an example; the survey is based off the 'media' sample (I removed the audio reference in the survey sheet as the web can't play .wav, apparently) 

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New Contributor II

Well I am at a loss then as to why my photos do not show up. The cases are correct and the names are spelled correctly (they work on the desktop app and on mobile). This has happened to me with multiple surveys on different AGO accounts.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Is one of the Surveys shared publicly?  I could take a look at the urls and see if there are any issues.

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New Contributor II

Thank you for your help. I have made a permit survey public so that you can view and tell me what you think: 

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Okay, found the issue - the case of the file extension is off.  In your Survey, you typed in the filename of the images with lower case "jpg".  The filenames actually have uppercase "JPG".  Update your form (or alter the file names) and republish.

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New Contributor II

And here I thought all extensions were lowercase. Thanks so much for your help, never would have thought of this!

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