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Feature Report for Photographs

03-11-2020 02:32 PM
New Contributor

My inspection survey can have up to 25 photos collected per asset. A photo is captured only if a defect is found.

Is there a way to create a Feature Report document that would limit to only those questions with a photo? My current Feature Report does this to an extent, but it leaves a blank cell in the table when the if/then test proves false (e.g. ${if (Photo5 | getValue:”size”)>0} ) for each question. For instance, I could have only four photos for the asset, but three pages of blank cells until the if/then for a Photo proves true. My objective is to get rid of the blank cells, so that if a report has only 10 photos then all 10 get placed in a grid like pattern over the pages without any blank cells in between. Hope this makes sense. Any guidance is much appreciated. Thanks!

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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Jason,

Apologies for the delay.  It would be helpful if you could provide a sample of what is currently generated and what you would like to see ideally.  That being said, this sounds like perhaps an issue of exactly where and how the ${if} clauses are applied- one thing that I've seen is the author place a carriage returns that aren't covered by the 'if' clause, causing them to be included unintentionally.

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