I built a survey to be accessed via link in Field Maps. The survey will be used on both mobile devices and in office on desktop computers. I have separate links to the survey depending on if they are accessing the survey through their mobile device or is they are in the office. I have a table that I'm pulling data from (using the puldata() function). The survey works fine in the mobile app but throws the following error when accessing the survey web form:
These are the lines in my XLS form in the calculation field that are giving me an error:
pulldata("SRWSLD_USACE_2019_Inspection_Location_Table", "Project", "Inspect_ID", ${Insp_ID}) |
pulldata("SRWSLD_USACE_2019_Inspection_Location_Table", "Easting_1", "Inspect_ID", ${Insp_ID}) |
pulldata("SRWSLD_USACE_2019_Inspection_Location_Table", "Northing_1", "Inspect_ID", ${Insp_ID}) |
pulldata("SRWSLD_USACE_2019_Inspection_Location_Table", "Easting_2", "Inspect_ID", ${Insp_ID}) |
pulldata("SRWSLD_USACE_2019_Inspection_Location_Table", "Northing_2", "Inspect_ID", ${Insp_ID}) |
I don't see an error with how my quotation marks are setup but I'm certainly not an expert so I am likely missing something obvious. Has anyone encountered this before?
Hi@janderson_ksninc I believe this should work
Would you mind sharing the form and table either as a post or direct message so we can replicate internally