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Error Converting XLS Form

01-23-2023 11:14 AM
New Contributor

I have a Survey created in 123Connect that I have an email link.  I am now getting a message that says:  b'ODK Validate Errors:\n>>Something broke the parser.  See above for a hint.\norg.javarosa.xpath.XPathUnsupportedException: XPath evaluation:  unsupported construct[filter expression]\n\nResult: Invalid"

My calculation is as follows:

"Hello," + "\n" + "This is a request to determine the availability for deployment of the following apparatus:" + "\n"+ "\n" + "TYPE: " + ${Type_Group} + "\n" + "COMMON NAME: " + ${Common_Name } + "\n" + "YEAR: " + ${Apparatus_Year} + "\n" +  "MAKE: " + ${Make} + "\n" +  "Please respond ASAP,  using REPLY ALL to advise if you are able to provide apparatus support."  + "\n" + "Thank you for your consideration."

I am assuming the error is in this text due to the \n in the error message.  

Can anyone identify where I have made this error?

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15 Replies
New Contributor

Hello All. 

I made the changes as recommended, but the error message is still the same.  Interestingly, I copied this to a new survey and edited the sheet by adding a new row, and it accepted the changes.  For some reason, it appears that this particular survey is not working, but the input works in a new environment.  I added the geo point later, but that shouldn't impact the survey.  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Ok I think you have a secret newline in excel.  Happens to me on the reg.  

Turn on word wrap for each column then look to see if anything goes to a double size row.  That is your clue to find them.  This can happen from a copy paste and would explain this.

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New Contributor

So I am better to turn off wrap text in the form?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Sorry I mean turn it on.  Look for any double lines.  This means a \n got slipped in there.  Delete from the end and you will see the double line disappear.  Once fixed you can flip it back.  But you got to get those outta there.  You will see them.

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New Contributor

Guess I didn't hide any lines either.  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I found them on





There are actually a ton.  This sheet is a bit of a mess.  You need to be careful with the pasting.



I suggest rebuilding this form by moving to a new template.  I have a write up somewhere.  But basically start a new form in connect.  Move each column from the old to the new making sure to Paste Values!  Then again look for the extra lines above I guess since that will not fix it.

Then just rename and replace the xlxs in the file system on the old form and it will take it.

Good luck

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