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Dynamic Chart or Image based on responses, in Survey123 using Survey123 Connect

10-07-2024 03:00 PM
Frequent Contributor

I'm trying to design a survey related to waste reduction, that also has a nice visualization integrated into the survey.

1. Users input their personal reduction commitment for various waste categories, a stream of calculations run in the survey, the user gets to find out what their personal waste composition results are, in comparison to the communities average.

This is the tricky part, we'd like the visualization to output like a pie/column chart, but in the shape of a trash can.

While having this appear after submitting, in like a dashboard/report or something would be cool - I'd really like to see a trashcan outline graphic that fills up with the various percentages, while the survey is filled out. I'm not sure how possible it is or how I might explore this - or what it would even entail - so looking for input.


Once those ranges are set, the below calculations are updated and each of these values adds up to 100%. So these values would sort of dynamically fill up a trash can with different colors. Is this at all possible????



Teresa Blader
Olmsted County GIS Specialist
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3 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

There is no built-in graphic for this.

PowerBI allows for this exact use-case though. It does require adding a widget, but it's straight forward and free.

As for doing this in a Feature Report, I guess you could use a table. Add one row per color, and give the table at least two columns (so you can delete un-used rows). The only thing you need to work out is adding rows. I'd think a hidden repeat with a repeat count tied to your calculates would work. Just need to convert those numbers into an integer representative (e.g., every 0.05 = 1, which translates to 1 repeat. So, 0.15 = 3 rows in the output)

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Frequent Contributor

Would powerbi somehow integrate within the survey? Or are you just thinking on the endpoint side after the survey is submitted and PowerBi is connected to it's feature layer?

Teresa Blader
Olmsted County GIS Specialist
0 Kudos
MVP Frequent Contributor

I feed S123 into SharePoint, and connect PowerBI to that, personally. But PBI would basically the the "end point" and thus entirely separate from the survey. I only mentioned this because it is possible there, and depending on your business needs, may be relevant.