I am currently working on a research project that requires using an attached excel sheet for the options within a drop down selection. My supervisor has adjusted every setting within her preview yet the drop down box to select from remains empty. From her end she is able to see the options within the drop down box but no other user within the group are able to see them. It is beginning to feel more like a bug than something we are doing on our end setting-wise. For complete transparency, none of us are very familiar with the program so any and all guidance is appreciated.
Hello @AspenJaeger,
The first thing to check is to ensure the file that's being used is shared with all the appropriate people in the owners content. This sounds a lot like the file may only be shared with the survey owner but not with the other folks who are taking the survey.
To confirm when you say the survey is using an attached Excel spreadsheet is the form using the search() appearance with a hosted table that was created from an Excel spreadsheet or is the form using external choices (select_one_from_file)?