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Data Export Field Options

10-09-2017 08:52 AM
Frequent Contributor

So quick question, for the Data Export on S123 site is there any way to export into csv/excel that will populate the field Name not the Label?  It seems the export headings are field labels and we would like to drop this data into another data which is a pain with labels.  I know via ArcMap I can export either way but the person doing my data only has s123 site access to export.

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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Ron,

Survey123 relies on the ArcGIS Online Export Item capability - at this time it does not have an option to select whether the field name or alias (which Survey123 populates with the label).  One workaround would be to populate the bine:Esri:fieldAlias column when authoring a survey to provide a shorter label.

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