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Custom feature service submission url is not compatible with this survey

04-10-2019 07:07 PM
Deactivated User

I'm following the above error when I try to publish my survey from an existing feature class:

I can confirm that tree_id is Integer in all tables.  Previously it was Double but I have since created a new field, new relationship, exported he data to a whole new geodatabase, published out to a new map, and created a new survey. Yet I am still getting this error.


Here is a snapshot of tree_id in Council_Tress which shows that it is indeed an integer.  ANd below that the relating table which also uses tree_id.


I've changed the bind::esri:fieldType as Doug suggested below but now it is complaining about Integer being unsupported relationship type.  I have the relationship working in Pro nicely.  The form appears without issues, its just on publishing I find this.

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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Try binding the field using the  bind::esri:fieldType column.

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Deactivated User

Thanks Doug.  I've changed this, but now it is complaining about Integer being unsupported for relationships.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Naomi,

When you republished, was the relationship between the feature class and table based on tree_id?  Survey123 only supports relationships based on GUIDs (either Global IDs or other GUID fields).

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Deactivated User

Thanks James.

Is this going to be fixed in the future?  The whole point in me creating a tree id was so that they would only have a small number that they could easily retype in for the assessments rather than having to remember a what 36 random sequence.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Just do both.  It comes it handy anyway.

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