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Create Survey123 from Standalone Server Service??

08-06-2022 05:52 AM
Regular Contributor

I have a Survey123 that I'm migrating to SDE. Here are the steps I've taken so far:

1. Exported the data from AGOL and loaded the tables in SDE, then made sure all the necessary permissions were applied. 

2. Created service on STANDALONE SERVER (I think that not involving Portal is a potential hang up here, so I want to stress this point). 

3. Used service endpoint to create an item in AGOL - embedded the credentials for the service in the AGOL item. 

Now, I'm stuck on the next step: Create a survey from the AGOL item (from step 3). I keep getting vague errors that say "The custom feature service submission url is not compatible with this survey", even though it's the exact same schema that I brought in from AGOL. I've truncated the tables in SDE just to see if I needed an empty table to start out with but that didn't work. I also checked that both the feature class and the attachment table have indexed globalid fields (how it came in from the geodatabase I exported from AGOL) and use the globalid fields in the relationship class. 

Can anyone provide any guidance on what I should try to resolve this? 

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor


What form_id and submission URL is being used? 

Take a look through this technical article. There are additional conditions for items with relationships/attachments that may have been missed:

I would suspect it's the submission url / form ID (should be the AGOL proxy service), one of the database requirements has not been met (global ids, attachments, allow updates?) or a limitation (web tier authentication at server).

If you're still stuck, would suggest sharing the xlsform, maybe testing with a simple survey or another feature service originally setup (not transferred from AGOL) to help rule out environment issues.


Regular Contributor


One approach to troubleshooting these kinds of issues that I've used in the past is to create a new survey in Survey123 Connect using the feature service. That will tell you exactly what schema, submission url and formid survey123 is expecting. Whether you can publish the form created by Connect should also help you narrow down whether your publishing issue is something about the original form design or a deeper issue with the feature service.