I've downloaded Survey123 v2 because I was very excited with all the improvements.
One of those is the option to update surveys after submission. Although it works fine in the Survey app, I don't see my changes/edits/updates in ArcGIS Online nor Collector pointing on the same ArcGIS Online hosted feature service than my Survey. How come I'm only able to see my edits in Survey123? It's like it is not synchronizing the edits with the feature service.
Is there something I'm missing? Does somebody know what to do?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
I'm using:
Windows 10
ArcGIS Desktop 10.4
Survey123 v2
The form was created with Survey123 Connect v2
ArcGIS Online for Organization
Collector for ArcGIS
How do I proceed:
1. Create my map in ArcGIS Desktop
2. Publish the service on ArcGIS Online
3. Create my form based on that feature service
4. Publish my form and share it wit a group of my organization
5. Open Survey123 and create/collect a new entry.
6. Send my survey. (Pole_Sent.jpg and Pole_Sent2.jpg)
7. See my new pole in ArcGIS Online (Pole_Sent_AGOL.jpg)
8. Go into my Sent box and choose 'edit and resend survey' option: I change some attributes and the location.
9. Send Now the edits
10. Go into my Sent box and see the pole number has changed and the location as well. (Pole_Updated.jpg and Pole_Updated2.jpg)
11. Open the feature service in ArcGIS Online and don't see the changes. I see the same as on step 7. (Pole_NotUpdated.jpg)
Hi Charlotte,
As far as we know, updating an already sent survey should be working correctly. A couple of things to consider:
1) If you are doing the submission and map viewing more or less simultaneously, the data will need to updated/refreshed in the map viewer. This can be done by panning the map or setting a refresh interval for the layer
2) Ensure that updates are allowed for the feature layer (this would affect others, not yourself - the owner of a later can always update a layer).
Hi James,
Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately,
1) Even if I open the Feature service in the ArcGIS Online map viewer after my edits have been sent or if I refresh the map or pan, it doesn't show the updates...only the new entry before it was updated.
2) The settings of the feature service are set to add, update, delete feature (FeatureLayer_Settings.jpg).
Do you think it could come from the fact that my form is based on an existing feature service? So the feature service is saved under my content in ArcGIS Online but the form is automatically saved in a sub-folder when published from Survey123 Connect.
Or do you think it could be because of the GlobalID?
I've tested so many possibilities before writing this question and none of them fix my problem.
Thank you for your help.
Hi Charlotte,
Could you please provide the REST endpoint (Service URL) information from the Feature Layer?
Please find here under the Service URL of my Feature Service.
And I use the same url in my survey as the submission_url.
That service is not public but shared in a group of my organization. It is hosted on ArcGIS Online for Organization.
It contains 2 layers and one table:
- Layer ID:0: point layer used for my survey
- Layer ID:1: polygon layer used only in a webmap
- Table: related to my point layer and used in my survey