Hi, I just upgraded to version 3.17 and I'm noticing that inputMasks are entering values matching the mask even when a user does not enter values in the question. This wasn't happening in version 3.16, arg.
For example, I have an inputMask set to 99:99 \AM - 99:99 PM so users can enter hours of operation - 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM. Well now if users enter nothing, I get : AM - : PM.
Additionally, I have a default value 'Closed' if user answered previous question as 'Closed.' I am using body::esri:visible in hours of operation to hide the question and not clear out default.
Is there a way to fix this so that the attribute is just left blank or it respects default value?
I noticed a potential 3.17 issues as well. This is related to the conditional required fields and body::esri::visible.
When a field is hidden by body::esri::visible, it seems to be ignoring conditional required statements.
Everything was working find in 3.16
Found the issue. The logic behind hidden fields and required was the issue. I had a couple fields that were hidden that I forgot about. They had required==yes and appearance==hidden. In 3.16, these would be ignored. This has changed in 3.17.
Seems like 3.17 is going to make a few new challenges.
@Alex-Santos I would consider using a new calculated field.
Hey thanks for the suggestion, but haven't been able to resolve just yet. The 3.17 field app still submits empty input mask values so for now I think I'll remove input masks.