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Completed forms diseappered after sending failure from

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05-19-2022 06:57 AM
New Contributor

Hi everyone,

I just collected datas on field offline with my ArcGIS Survey 123 app. While coming back to the office, I connect my smartphone to the wifi and send all the datas to the cloud. During this operation I had a connection failure and the internet shut down a few seconds then came back online.

After sending was full, an error message said that sending failed for a few forms. These forms where showed in my send box with a red warning icon and they suddenly disappeard. When I come back to the app main menu, the surven icon still show 16 failed sending forms but there is no more send box in it. I can not try the sending again.

Could you please help me to resolve this? I presume theses data's still should be in my local files but I don't know how to take them back.

I thank you a lot for every answers

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @OlivierBaudry

Please see this documentation for recovering the data from the device and sending it from the desktop version of the Survey123 field app. 

Thank you,

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @OlivierBaudry

Please see this documentation for recovering the data from the device and sending it from the desktop version of the Survey123 field app. 

Thank you,
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