I have a survey where I’m usually using existing coordinates from a csv file and under that scenario I want to keep those coordinates as the official geometry for the survey. Sometimes however, the user will need to create a new location either using either a geopoint question or manually entered coordinates from an external GPS.
I have {latitude} and {longitude} fields that have all the necessary logic to store the value from the correct source depending on the scenario. Unfortunately, when viewing the collected data online I can’t figure out how to make it recognize anything other than the coordinates from the geopoint, i.e. surveys that don’t use the geopoint plot at 0,0 off the coast of Africa. Thanks for your help.
And lat long fields would just be text they are not connected to the actual GPS field at all except to pull and show you text. So adding numbers to those text fields is just text.
I think you need to have the geopoint use the lat long in calculation field.
See here https://doc.arcgis.com/en/survey123/desktop/create-surveys/geopoints.htm