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Cannot republish survey after simple field additions

New Contributor II

Hi all,

I am trying to update and republish an existing survey after adding four questions. The data type for all is a string. There are two select one questions and two text questions. When I click publish it just loads and loads but does not ever publish (see screenshot for where it gets stuck). The only way to exit is to close Connect. I have waited a long time, closed and tried again many times and even tried on somebody else's computer with no luck. I also deleted the survey off my device, redownloaded it and made the changes again. This survey has been republished several times before with no issues. There is a lot of existing data which is connected to a dashboard so I cannot start again from scratch with this survey.

I know this is a problem that happens when the survey form is moved to a different folder in ArcGIS Online but I checked the iteminfo ID and it matches. Other suggestions said to update the schema with the additional fields on the hosted feature layer on ArcGIS Online and then try to republish the form from Connect. I do not have the option to add fields this way despite being the administrator. I'm not sure why. Perhaps because there is a join? This join was created almost two years before the survey was last republished so I don't think this is the issue anyway. 

I have now cloned the feature layer and am attempting to create a new survey from this cloned layer. Firstly, the xls form appears to be different (due to different versions of connect I assume?) When I copy the contents of the old survey into the new one and click update - I get this warning: The following language declarations do not contain valid machine-readable codes: language (**unspecified**).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Can you attach your XLSX?

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MVP Regular Contributor

Does the folder have the same name? Survey-SurveyName?

Did you rename the form item?

ArcGIS Online and then try to republish the form from Connect. I do not have the option to add fields this way despite being the administrator. I'm not sure why. Perhaps because there is a join? This join was created almost two years before the survey was last republished so I don't think this is the issue anyway. 

Yes, you can't add fields (new questions) to a layer with a join. Survey123 Connect would not be able to re-publish and add the new questions and related fields. You need to remove the join layer.

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