We've created a survey for volunteers to capture data. Each volunteer will receive a QR code that is specific to that individual, and will contain their full name and email address.
I'm interested in populating 2 fields in Suvey123 - name and email. Is it possible to create one QR code per volunteer, and extract these 2 fields (name & email)?
These fields will be of varying length. I've tried susbtr(${barcode},0,40), figuring there is no name that would be over 40 characters in length, and then susbtr(${barcode},41,80), again, figuring there is no email over 40 characters long. This did not seem to work. What am I doing wrong?
When creating the QR code, I typed the name, Joe Docket (with 30 spaces following the last letter in the name), and then typed the email address.
How are you making the QR Codes? Id format the URL the same as a normal URL parameter and then toss that into something like QRStudio (aka, a third party QR maker that accepts URLs. There are free options).
Thank you for your reply. I realized what I was doing wrong. I was following the code @Ismael presented in the blog, Understanding Barcode Questions in ArcGIS Survey123. In his example he uses susbtr(${..., when it should be substr...
Thanks again,