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Calculation doesn't work after first repeat since 1.7

09-12-2016 07:25 PM
New Contributor II

I'm having a problem with hidden fields within a repeat.  Users indicated quite strongly they didn't want to fill in the same answer over and over again in a Repeat question.  In the Repeat I used the Calculation function with ${Field Name} to copy a previously entered answer from the parent table to the child table (for our database purposes).  It worked perfectly in testing and database functions were built around all relevant data being in one row.

Calculation in the xlsform

The same form created with Survey 123 Connect Build 1.7.35 copies the first repeat (1 of 1) but none of the subsequent repeats. Changing from Hidden to Text didn't seem to make a difference and Default doesn't work in Repeats..  Any ideas on when this will be fixed as we were planning to roll out to all users by the end of the month.

Output CSV example

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2 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor


Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  In terms of a workaround,it looks like 2 of your columns are the username (or closely related to the username) and date of the survey- by default, these are collected automatically via the editor tracking feature of the service, so you may not need these questions.  It would also be possible to calculate after the fact from either the parent table or non-empty child table using a script and the rowed/parentrowid relationship.

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New Contributor II

We were getting ready to roll out a system for collecting field data that relied on Forms working how they used to and we don't want to have to reverse changes when the functionality comes back.  I tried using the new load data from CSV feature but it suffers from the same problem in a repeat.  Only one of our copied fields is a user name.

Others are having similar problems: 

Any chance of a rollback to a previous version or likely fix date?

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