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Calculating value for a field based off a select multiple question

08-08-2024 10:45 AM
New Contributor


I have a survey with a series of select multiple questions, and some of these choices might trigger  violations that I would like to store in another field. Then at the end I would like to concat these violations all up in one field. I have accomplished this through notes, but it gets a bit tricky trying to bind them to a field because there's so many choices that make the combinations tricky when trying to make a calculation. I thought about using a pulldata function to list these violations with the answer choices in a csv. Seems it can not handle more than one answer, it'll only grab one of my violations. Any ideas? I have to do this for a quite a few questions.

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1 Reply
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Not sure I follow but I think this is what you want.

selected(question, value)

Checks whether answer is selected. This function is used for select_one and select_multiple questions.

selected(${question_one}, 'a')


See here 

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